DisclosureCompliance is the nation’s first automated web-based platform designed specifically to ensure your agency adheres to the covenants made to bond holders in your continuing disclosure agreement(s) and meets the requirements of Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Rule 15c2-12. With over 20 years’ experience in helping our clients meet their continuing disclosure obligations, we designed our platform from the ground up to utilize best practices within the industry.
Moreover, we understand and believe in the importance of a cohesive synergy among agency team members. With this philosophy in mind, we designed one of its key features: our platform is strategically designed to proactively and automatically communicate with existing team members. Team members such as your Financial Advisor, Bond Counsel, Disclosure Counsel, and Underwriter are all integrated into the setup for complete transparency. An additional key feature of the platform is our monthly questionnaire that is designed to capture all relevant information and events occurring at the issuer level and reporting of such events, as needed, on a timely basis.
Lastly, we have first hand knowledge of the importance the SEC holds for items such as “book & records” and ongoing training. Our platform incorporates ongoing training for the designated compliance officer and provides updates on industry best practices. Should the issuer be subject to an SEC audit, the platform can provide detailed books & records of all reports submitted and proof of submission.
Our DisclosureCompliance platform will help meet all of your continuing disclosure obligations. Feel free to contact us for additional information or for a free demo.